Unmasking the Shadows: Part 2

Unmasking the Shadows: Part 2

How ChatGPT is being exploited to hijack online surveys


Quest and our sister company iResTech presented at the Corporate Researchers Conference in Chicago in November 2023.  Our focus was on a subject of concern to researchers of all kinds – AI being used to create survey fraud.  Specifically, we looked at ChatGPT, and how “bad actors” are using it to fraudulently pass screening questions and answer open ends in online surveys.

While so many AI presentations and articles talk about how developing tools and systems may be used beneficially for data analysis and other positive applications, Quest looked much earlier in the research cycle where fraud is happening and datasets are being compromised.

Our presentation is in two parts – this video includes:

Part Two which covers the financial impact this type of fraud has for a typical research survey, and what prescriptive actions can be taken. These include using both non-tech changes (such as survey design and basic available protections) as well as new, emerging tech-based solutions that perform more sophisticated fraud prevention and detection.

Please also see Part One, which describes the “bad actors”, what they’re doing to create this fraud, and how to spot it in your datasets.

We hope you enjoy and learn from our investigation of this important issue so far, and we’ll be digging deeper into this in 2024!


Feel free to reach out to Scott at sworthge@questmidshare.com to discuss more about the developments in survey fraud and how your business can benefit from staying ahead of this evolving challenge.

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