LEGACY SPONSOR: Quest Mindshare at Quirk’s 2022

LEGACY SPONSOR: Quest Mindshare at Quirk’s 2022

Only 3 months until the start of a new industry event circuit and Quest is thrilled to take the top bill spot for Quirk’s Events 2022!

The Quirk’s Event is a valuable collection of sessions and networking opportunities with leaders in the insights field. An early supporter of it’s mission and mandate, Quest is delighted to support Quirk’s in 2022 in their renewed mission to be an effective and convenient space to discuss the future of insights and connect brands with researchers, suppliers and innovative marketing research technology.

Quirk’s offers multiple locations to choose from – or come to them all!

Quirk’s Chicago ’22 – 11/12th April at the Sheraton Grand

Quirk’s London ’22 – 4/5th May at the Intercontinental O2 Hotel

Quirk’s New York ’22 – 20/21st July at the Javits Center Manhattan

Quirk’s Virtual Global Event – 12/13th October: an online event

We look forward to meeting you there! If you would like to connect with one of our representatives, please contact sales@questmindshare.com.



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